Thursday, March 26, 2009

Auer Agency chosen to design Union County Military Family Assistance Project

Auer Agency | Charlotte, NC | 704.236.0568 |
Earlier today I received a call from a business associate asking if I would be interested in designing the logo and branding for an new initiative for military families. I didn't even hesitate. The person that called me told me that her husband will be back for 4 days during Easter and then deployed to Iraq for an entire year leaving her to fend financially for her family.
Others have felt the pinch of the economy as well, as the main breadwinners are unable to contribute due to their tour of duty.
So she and others have formed a task force where they are asking businesses in Union County outlying cities to get involved by offering discounts or other assistance to military families. Once the brand is designed we will be able to create promotional materials such as a door sticker that can be placed on business's doors and windows showing their involvement.  
I feel that my small contribution to get the word out there is so important and vital. And I'm honored to help out.

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