Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stand out from the clutter - advertise on a cloud with Flogos

Auer Agency | Charlotte, NC | 704.236.0568 |
I came across this today looking for new trends in advertising. With all the hype of social media networking, blogging and email blasts, wouldn't it be great to catch people's attention by making them look upward instead of downward?
That's right a whole new way to send your message or launch a new product is by having your logo created with environmentally safe synthetic clouds called Flogos. Launch your custom Flogo at a game, grand opening or special event. They will arrive at your area with all the equipment to shoot your brand into the skies. This Auburn University pic is a great example.
For more Flogos float over to Flogos was created by special effects company SnowMasters based out of Lexington, AL. ask for Mike.

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